Our Team

Crea Legal Group

Our team is made up of a network of highly qualified lawyers who work in an integrated way with professionals in engineering, environmental sciences, communication, business marketing, psychology, human resources and training, among others, working in a comprehensive, sustainable manner. and jointly enabling a global approach to the needs of our clients.

Our firm is made up of different business units that work integrally.

We advise on legal, environmental, human resources, communication and business marketing issues. At the same time, we manage and train for the comprehensive planning and successful operation of governmental, business and non-profit organizations.

Management team

JAVIER CREA. Managing Partner. President. Department of Legal Affairs Director

  • Lawyer –  Argentina
  • Constitutional Law Specialist
  • Law and Policy of Natural Resources and the Environment Specialist
  • Environmental Law Specialist
  • Diploma in Cultural Project Management 
  • Vice President of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment (AIDCA)
  • He was Director of the Environmental Law Institute of the Morón Bar Association
  • Deputy Director of the Institute of Law of Ecology, Environment and Natural and Energy Resources of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Institute of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment.
  • Member of the Constitutional Law Institute of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (Buenos Aires, Argenitna)
  • Member of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Justice
  • Legal Advisor to the Deputy Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Paraguay
  • He was a Member of the Academic Council of the Specialization Career in Environmental Law at the University of Belgrano
  • He was a member of the World League of Environmental Lawyers
  • Undergraduate and graduate university professor
  • Author of books and publications
  • Experience in the public and private sector
MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELES BERRETINO. Managing Partner. Executive Director

  • She is a Lawyer, graduated from the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires, has made a specialization in Regime and Policy of Natural Resources and the Environment and the Update Program in Oil and Natural Gas Law and has a Diploma in Project Management Cultural.
  • She is President of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment, Ordinary Member of the Institute of Law of Ecology, Environment and Natural and Energy Resources, of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital and Member of the Institute of Environmental Law of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Justice and she was professor at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires. 
  • She is also an advisor to Non-Profit Civil Associations and Foundations, which work in the area of children, education, social inclusion, gender and the environment. She has worked in the private business in the invecultural area, where he has participated in numerous publications.
NICOLÁS VASILIEV. Associate. Argentina

  • Lawyer – Argentina 
  • Specialized in Criminal Law
  • Diploma in Cybercrime
  • National Legal Coordinator of Grooming Argentina
  • Deputy Director of the Institute of Criminal Law of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment (AIDCA).
  • Specialized in Labor Law
  • Experience in the public and private sector
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  • Lawyer – Argentina
  • Family Law Specialist
  • Deputy Director of the Institute of Family and Succession Law of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment (AIDCA).
  • Experience in the public and private sector
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  • Lawyer – Argentina
  • Master in Criminology
  • Director of the Animal Law Institute of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital, a pioneer in Argentina and Latin America since 2009
  • Director of the Institute of Animal Law of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment (AIDCA).
  • Author of more than ten bills nationwide
  • Internationally awarded for her work in defense of animals in Dublin, Ireland (in September 2018) by the Argentine Ambassador in Ireland, Laura Bernal and by the former ambassadors of Ireland in Argentina, Paula Slatery and Philomena Monagham.
  • Distinguished for her career in Animal Law within the framework of “Outstanding Women” in 2019 at the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital along with lawyers, researchers and scientists and professionals from various areas.

  • Degree in Psychology
  • Degree in Public Relations
  • Degree in Advertising
  • Master in Marketing and Advertising Communication
  • Ambassador of Peace recognized by MMP and PEA associated with UNESCO – UN
  • Recognition of Link in the Chain of Peace granted by the Center for International Training and Research on Human Rights
  • Member of the Professional Council of Public Relations of the Argentine Republic
  • General Director of Aplica Consultores, consultant dedicated to personal training and work teams
  • Director of the Public Relations career – UAI
  • Member of the Research area of the Faculty of Communication – UAI
  • Trainer in the National Olympics of Public Relations in more than one edition
  • Undergraduate and graduate university professor
  • Jury and academic evaluator of research works
  • Experience in the public and private sector
  • She has a degree in Administration graduated from the National University of the South of Bahía Blanca, with experience in private organizations linked to the provision of financial services and the agro-export and livestock activity, specializing in both subjects. She is a member of a Civil Association focused on early childhood since 2016, she was a teacher in Tertiary Training Institutes for more than a decade and at the Southwest Provincial University (UPSO), as well as a trainer in other non-formal education proposals. He has completed a Master’s Degree in Business Management at the San Juan Bosco National University of Patagonia, Chubut. He is currently completing a degree in Public Accountant at UCASAL. She is an external advisor for agricultural firms and civil society organizations; and in an important private financial institution in Argentina.
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CRISTIAN CREA. Headquarters Ushuaia. Argentina

Ushuaia, Provincia de Tierra del Fuego: Calle Hol Hol 1565, Depto. 8, CP 9410.

  • Lawyer – Argentina
  • University Professor for Secondary and Higher Education
  • Diploma in Public Procurement
  • Work experience as a Public Official.
  • Provincial Director of Judicial Affairs of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands (2017-2018).
  • Legal and Technical Undersecretary of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands (2018-2019).
  • He was a Proxy Attorney (Head of Legal Area) of the Social Security Fund for Lawyers of the Province of Buenos Aires (2008-2017).
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  • He is a Lawyer, graduated from the National University of Asunción. He has several Master’s degrees, among them in Planning and Strategic Conduction, National, by the Institute of High Strategic Studies and in Diplomacy and Specializations in Environment and Clean and Renewable Energies. He is a University Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees. He is the Director of the Latin American Ombudsman Institute. 
  • He is a Public Official, currently serving as the Deputy Ombudsman of the Republic of Paraguay.
  • He is the Coordinator in Charge of the Environmental Thematic Network of the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsmen, Environmental Director of the Global Alliance of the Local Ombudperson and Director of the Environment Area of the Latin American Ombudsman Institute.

ALICIA ARRIGONI ABREU Delegación Uruguay grupo crea legal

ALICIA ARRIGONI ABREU. Headquarters Uruguay

Montevideo: Constituyente 1467. Apt. 1206. "Torre el Gaucho"

  • She is a Lawyer.
  • Doctor in Law and Social Sciences graduated from the University of the Republic of Uruguay.
  • Specialization in Oil and Natural Gas Law at the University of Buenos Aires.
  • Specialized in the exercise of Civil and Family Law.
  • Judicial Expert of the Supreme Court of Justice.
  • External lawyer Banco de Seguros del Estado.
  • Professor of Law graduated from the Normal Institute of Technical Education. She has taught classes on Law and Labor Legislation at the Universidad del Trabajo since 2015. Virtual Tutor in the Virtual Learning Environment in the Law area.
  • Experience in legal advice – notarial in public and private sector

Madrid: Calle General Diaz Porlier 36, 28001

Huelva: Calle Rico 11, 2.A, 21001

  • She has a Law Degree, graduated from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, with a Specialization in Private Law. Asimosmo has specialized in “Alternative Dispute” (ADR), in Real Estate and Contract Law and in “Training and Mediation Schools” by the Pablo Olavide University of Seville, in “Intervention with minors in conflict with the Law” and in “Litigation International in Civil, Commercial and Labor matters “.
  • Legal Director of MC-Ortíz Abogados. www.mc-ortizabogados.com
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DORA ALICIA MAYORAL VILLANUEVA. Headquarters United States of Mexico
  • She is a lawyer, graduated from the School of Law of the University of Sonora, Mexico. He has a Master’s Degree in Education from Arizona State University, United States of America. He is a Specialist Expert in questioned signatures and documents. She is a certified Specialist in Criminological Intervention and Violence Prevention in Educational Centers. She is a freelance translator, workshop and coach in groups for the development of interpersonal skills. She has been a professor at the Center for Foreign Languages of the National Polytechnic Institute and Professor of Epistemology and Educational Psychology at the UNIVER University of Mexico.
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La Paz: Calle Chaco Nº 1161, Piso 2º, Zona Cristo Rey

  • She has a Law Degree, Master in Environmental Audits and Environmental Management, Mention in Environmental Law – Universidad Iberoamericana, specialist in Environmental Impact Assessment – Miguel de Cervantes European University, specialist in Environmental Law and Sustainability in the Use of Natural Resources – Iberoamerican Center , expert in Environmental Law and Climate. 
  • She is the President of the Environmental Law Commission of the La Paz Bar Association (Bolivia).
  • She stands out for his career in the development of environmental regulations and the practice of the profession in environmental management.
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VERÓNICA CUEVA . Headquarters Perú

  • Lawyer
  • Master in Criminal Law, obtained at the National University of the Altiplano.
  • Completed studies of Doctorate in Law, obtained at UNA Puno.
  • Work experience as a Public Official.
  • Judicial Specialist in the Superior Court of Justice of Puno. (March 2000- August 2015).
  • Provincial Deputy Prosecutor Specialized in crimes of Corruption of Officials of Puno (2015-2019).
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  • Lawyer
  • Doctor in Political Science – Candido Mendes University, UCAM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Master in International Relations for South America – Brazilian Center for Latin American Studies, CEBELA, Río de Janiro, Brazil
  • Specialist in Administrative and Constitutional Law – Facultad Rondinia, Faro, Brazil –
  • Member of the World League of Environmental Lawyers – Mexico
  • Researcher in Biodiversity and Biopiracy.
  • Degree in Psychology
  • Clinical Specialist in Children and Adolescents
  • Professor of Secondary and Higher Education in Psychology
  • Educational Counselor
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  • Abogado, especializado en Derecho del Trabajo.
  • Profesor Universitario para la Educación Secundaria y Superior
  • Abogado Apoderado de la Caja de Previsión Social para Abogados de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
  • Experiencia en el sector público y privado

He is a Lawyer, specialized in Labor Law. He has completed master’s degrees in In-depth Procedural Law at the Universidad Notarial Argentina, and in Business Law at the University of Palermo. He has also carried out various postgraduate courses in different areas of Law. He was a professor at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires

charrie MARRON

She is lawyer. He has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management. She has been a member of the Judicial Power of the Nation, director of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat of Environmental Policy of the Province of Buenos Aires, advisor to the Civil Defense Directorate of the Government of CABA, advisor to the Argentine Association of Metal Finishes, and the Professional Council of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. He teaches at various universities and has vast experience in legal and environmental advice in the public and private sectors.


  • Engineer in Loss Management and Environmental Safety
  • Specialist in Law and Policy of Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Occupational Health and Safety Specialist
  • Senior Technician in Public Security
  • University Technician in Fire Management
  • Experience in the public and private sector
René Descartes

"I would give everything I know, for half of what I don't know"