Our department
Corporate Social Responsibility
Strategy and management
Our activities are aligned with the principles and Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Compact promoted by the UN, United Nations Organization.
That is why on a daily basis, we not only work with responsibility, efficiency and integrity to earn and honor the trust of our clients, guided by ethical principles, honesty and loyalty towards the firm, our clients and ourselves; but we also aspire to be better for the rest, and that this report a benefit to society. In this order of ideas, as part of our corporate social responsibility program, we assume the development, management and financing of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment, AIDCA.
Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment, AIDCA, is a non-profit civil association that brings together professionals in law, culture, environmental sciences and education, among other disciplines, in order to coordinate, stimulate and strengthen the study, development and research of Law from a perspective of equality, social equity and sustainability and work in the defense and training in democratic and republican values, based on the right of diversity, preservation and cultural development as a distinctive spiritual and material trait , intellectual and affective that characterizes a society and its relationship with the environment.
AIDCA works to defend and promote cultural heritage and the right to a healthy, balanced and suitable environment for sustainable human development, encouraging the active participation of all sectors of society in decision-making, promoting that the perspective gender is part of the mainstream of development.
It is nourished by the contribution of the experience of our members, the activities we propose, and the constant communication with our national and international delegations.
From the same, we work concomitantly with organizations that promote the study of Law and science related to our objectives, we organize academic and cultural activities, we prepare recommendations for both the public and private sectors. AIDCA has positioned itself as a reference for consultation in the areas in which we carry out our activities, fostering cooperation and cultural and scientific exchange.
Likewise, it actively participates in the improvement and development of public policies, with a gender perspective and safeguarding cultural and environmental diversity, promoting equitable and inclusive development and the implementation of socio-educational actions in the matters that are the subject of our Association.

Articulation of Objectives
Its founding objectives are materialized through the following actions:
The Directorate of Academic Activities of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment promotes permanent research and training, providing a service aimed at expanding knowledge, promoting culture, debate and creating spaces for participation. During 2020 and 2021, he has provided free training in all his areas of law; It has also provided training to the educational community and families about Grooming attentive to the growing exposure to social networks, of children and adolescents. Issues related to the frontal labeling of food and disability among others, which have been attended completely free of charge by different civil associations related to the topics discussed.
From the different Institutes, those whose objective is to promote, coordinate and centralize academic research work, in an interdisciplinary manner, based on respect for democratic and republican institutions. Corresponding to the study and research of Law, Legal Sciences in line with the social and cultural issues that concern them. They collaborate with the authorities of the Association in the preparation of legislation in general, proposals for activities and recommendations, as well as cooperate in the studies of undergraduate and postgraduate university academic plans and special courses, carry out or participate in works, congresses, meetings , courses and conferences. Attentive to the dynamics of the same, they constitute a source of updated information so they will provide information on the state of legislation, jurisprudence, doctrine and specific situations related to their subject of study, develop other scientific, technical and cultural activities that the authorities of each institute determine.

Our services are aligned with the principles and Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Compact promoted by the UN-United Nations Organization.
Ibero-American Mgazine of Law, Culture and Environment
Revista Iberoamericana de Derecho, Cultura y Ambiente
Published by the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment, AIDCA, the Ibero-American Magazine of Law, Culture and Environment will present its first issue in March 2022.
It is a scientific-academic space that aims to deepen and disseminate in continuous, numbered and quarterly publications, articles of intellectual value in matters of law, culture and environment for societies.
Thought out interdisciplinary, it promotes a plurality of voices through the exchange of ideas, data and knowledge, inviting professionals, researchers and academics from around the world to participate through the contribution of their publications.
It will be a space for dissemination, reference and permanent consultation for professionals, public sectors, international organizations, companies and social organizations with the ultimate aim of adding value to the promotion and prioritization of practices that promote the development of any society.
Observatory of Climate Change and Public Policies
The Observatory of Climate Change and Public Policies of the Ibero-American Association of Law, Culture and Environment was recently created, responding to the need to address one of the greatest problems of global environmental impact. Its objective is the study of climate change from a holistic perspective, aimed at understanding its impacts on the human and fundamental rights of present and future generations.
The Observatory focuses on the analysis and information of the measures adopted within the framework of public policies, aimed at mitigating greenhouse gases and the processes of adaptation to climate change.
It is constituted as an area for the dissemination of information in order to contribute to the design of strategies and measures capable of reducing the vulnerability of the population, increasing productive resilience and the inclusion of the most neglected sectors.
For this, it is important to have adequate information on climate change and its impact, hence the importance of a space for the permanent exchange of information acquired from different sources and lines of research, which addresses the cross-cutting and interdisciplinary issue. Therefore, it is led by a coordination team and a select group of experts from different related disciplines.