Our department
Human Resources
Human Resources and Organizational Psychology
Psychologist Carla Tonela, Department Director
Lawyer María de los Ángeles Berrretino, Department Director
The area is made up of professionals in communication, psychology, social psychology, and human resources, with recognized trajectory and experience in professional and academic practice in national and international activities. We offer a comprehensive and continuous service of advice and personalized assistance in Human Capital, helping your business to empower workers and achieve success in the results pursued. All our services and their scope are tailored to the needs of every client.
Our commitment is to build lasting relationships with our clients, accompanying them in the various steps involved in the personnel selection process and in the development of human relationships for an optimal organizational climate and the achievement of the expected results.
Our work team has professional experience in consulting and advising on the development of human capital, addressing the needs from an integrative approach from the different areas involved.
We form a wide network together with prestigious associate professionals of excellence who are at the forefront of trends on a national and international scale.
Practice Areas
Search and selection of personnel
We carry out the process of active search and selection of personnel, from the description of the profile of the position to the incorporation of the candidate. We have professionals who are experts in the instrumentation of individual and group interviews, a battery of psychotechnical tests with the use of psychometric and projective techniques, among others appropriate for the selection of the candidate.
We develop induction programs for the optimal incorporation of the candidate to the position and to the culture of the organization.
Our services are aligned with the principles and Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Compact promoted by the UN-United Nations Organization.
Personnel selection and performance evaluation techniques
It allows the evaluation of job competencies, talents, relational aspects and abilities of a new candidate for the job position, as well as the evaluation of the potential of those who are currently in a job through the application of a battery of tests.
Based on this, we prepare a report of the candidate’s main strengths and aspects to improve, facilitating decision-making, anticipation of possible conflicts, knowledge of the potential of each candidate, among other aspects that allow optimizing the well-being of employees and achieving the resultados deseados de la organización.
Based on this, we prepare a report that allows us not only to validate and know information about the candidate, but also about their family group and their environment -environment-, allowing to expand the profile in relation to their behavioral and attitudinal competencies, their values, their role in the family organization, among other relevant aspects.
It allows to know skills and competencies of potential candidates by recreating situations similar to the required job position. This group technique carried out in conjunction with potential candidates reproduces in a simulated way the characteristics of the position and its organizational setting, allowing direct observation. Also called Situational Assessment Interviews or Recruitment Centers.
Based on this, we prepare a report that allows us to validate the candidate’s profile in relation to the possible performance in a specific role for the incorporation of new personnel or to evaluate the potential of current collaborators.
It allows to know skills and competencies of potential candidates by recreating situations similar to the required job position. This group technique carried out in conjunction with potential candidates reproduces in a simulated way the characteristics of the position and its organizational setting, allowing direct observation. Also called Situational Assessment Interviews or Recruitment Centers.
Based on this, we prepare a report that allows us to validate the candidate’s profile in relation to the possible performance in a specific role for the incorporation of new personnel or to evaluate the potential of current collaborators.
It allows evaluating the performance of collaborators in relation to the objectives and activities assigned through different evaluation methods such as simple, by competence, 360 ° feedback, APO -Management By Objectives-, burnout detection, among others.
Based on this, we prepare a report that allows us to detect opportunities for improvement in performance, training needs, review for the fulfillment of objectives, among other needs detected.
Organizational improvement programs
It allows evaluating the perception and assessment that employees have about the organization in which they work, being able to specifically investigate relevant aspects according to each particular case.
Based on this, we prepare reports about the links, teamwork, communication, degree of satisfaction, expectations and needs for growth, the vision of the organization’s products, services or activities, among other aspects. of interest.
From the analysis of the results, proposals for improvement action can be made to approximate the perception and image desired by the organization.
They allow to carry out adaptation processes to the organization when entering new employees or collaborators. These programs make it easier for new entrants to observe and perceive the organizational culture and ways of working, generating a better adaptation, being able to understand that their optimal performance will also influence the achievement of organizational objectives.
To do this, we develop induction programs to promote gradual and positive adaptation to the organization so that the new entrant identifies with it and detects aspects that are not directly perceived in a training. These programs facilitate the transmission of the mission, vision, values, action policies of the organization, its role to play, among other aspects that the organization considers relevant.
They allow to carry out programs that aim to achieve psycho-occupational well-being through the optimal development of organizational objectives in connection with the care of the mental health of the members.
To do this, we carry out an organizational diagnosis from which the central aspects to be improved are detected and a program is developed in which, based on the analysis of the behavior of people in the organization, their interrelation with each other and the organization in In general, it seeks to optimize different variables for the benefit of both parties, generating advantages on an organizational scale.
It allows to carry out programs that aim to implement new institutional policies, promote adaptation to changes in organizational structure, promote changes in routine and behaviors, among other topics that seek to generate a change in the culture of an organization.
To do this, we carry out programs to promote gradual and positive adaptation towards the desired change, stimulating engagement.
It allows evaluating the performance of collaborators in relation to the objectives and activities assigned through different evaluation methods such as simple, by competence, 360 ° feedback, APO -Management By Objectives-, burnout detection, among others.
Based on this, we prepare a report that allows us to detect opportunities for improvement in performance, training needs, review for the fulfillment of objectives, among other needs detected.
With the chosen human capital, they allow the construction of a career plan that brings the organization’s objectives closer to those of the collaborator, promoting the permanence of talent.
For this, we advise, develop and assist in the implementation of career plans that allow the engagement and permanence of the chosen collaborators.
We train and promote the development of socio-emotional skills aimed at collaborators linked to middle and senior managers and in promotion processes. The proposal allows developing leadership capacity, enhancing strengths, working on weaknesses, detecting opportunities, developing criteria for management, among other relevant aspects that allow discovering and enhancing talent in connection with organizational demands.
We train for the adequate and effective administration of personnel, providing tools to detect opportunities and threats, compliance with the organization chart, link with communication, control and analysis of schedules and absenteeism, among other aspects of relevance to the sector.
We train for the proper selection of personnel from the preparation of the profile of the position to the hiring of the candidate. Aspects related to the dynamics of individual and group interviews are addressed, as well as the preparation of reports for selection.
We train to obtain basic knowledge inherent to the settlement of salaries considering current regulations and specific settlements such as SAC, vacations, severance, among others.
We train and provide strategies that allow us to approach and enhance the business from the point of view of the seller and from the consultant seller. The program provides specific techniques and methods to identify new business opportunities and evaluate new clients, boost sales and retain existing clients, develop active listening and self-motivation, and optimize communication channels to achieve quantitative and qualitatively positive results.
We plan training and training programs both for knowledge and process management, as well as for the development of socio-emotional skills that operate as solutions aimed at people and work teams.
We develop programs based on the survey of the needs of each organization in order to respond to particular demands and challenges.
We provide tools for proper writing including spelling reinforcement. We train for the writing of different content and communication pieces such as articles, research projects, press releases, as well as the creation of content in general that allows optimizing communication messages for different formats, platforms and objectives. At the same time, we provide tools for the preparation of effective presentations, whether institutional, commercial or professional.
We train and provide tools that allow the message and speech to be strategically addressed from verbal and non-verbal communication, enhancing the intention of the message to be communicated. We work on fears, diction, vocabulary, eloquence and fluency in order to transmit the intention and the desired message, enabling the capacity for expression.
The training and custom training programs respond to a previous diagnosis and are adapted according to the requirements of each organization.