Our departament


Our legal services

At Crea Legal we provide services in different areas of legal specialization through a team of lawyers whose differential characteristic is constituted by the level of excellence together with an intense professional and academic experience obtained in the different areas of law practice,public and private , on the national and international scale, which interacts with a large interdisciplinary staff of highly qualified professionals and technicians.

The assignment of matters through the formation of work teams that interact with different legal visions ensures our clients comprehensive, sustainable, interdisciplinary and excellent advice in all their legal matters.

Our commitment is to build lasting relationships with our clients, accompanying them and providing legal advice in the development of their organizational project to achieve their objectives, forming the best strategic alliance.


We manage solutions

Our work team has professional experience with guidance in advisory and litigation services in administrative and judicial headquarters, constituting an integrative approach from the different areas of law that allow linking the various specialties of legal sciences.

We form a wide network with prestigious associate professionals of excellence that are found in various countries, enabling adequate advice on legal services on a national and international scale.

Practice areas

We assist producers, investors, marketers, financiers, managers, among other actors that make up the value chain in the financial and commercial processes.

We advise on environmental regulations and specifically on the different renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

We are pioneers of the first publications on environmental crimes on a regional scale.

We elaborate normative projects of form and substance in the different branches of law in the governmental and parliamentary area at the international, national, provincial and municipal levels from the political decision to its implementation.

We intervene in legal conflicts between the different orders and government bodies, and between government bodies and individuals.

We advise national and international companies and non-profit organizations in relations with the public administration at the national, provincial and municipal level, subsidies and aid, regulated sectors, public administrations, appeals against the administration, Municipal, Provincial and National sanctions and administrative and contentious-administrative procedures.

We advise on the regulation of legal relations between employers, employees, unions and the State. We carry out consultancy in relation to welfare and social protection both in individual (private) and collective (organizations) law.

Asesoramos en todas las áreas derivadas de las distintas formas de organización familiar. Entre ellas: Matrimonio. Uniones convivenciales. Familias ensambladas y Familias monoparentales.

Dentro de las relaciones personales y patrimoniales derivadas de estas formas de organización familiar, algunos de los temas más recurrentes son:

  1. Unión matrimonial. Convenciones matrimoniales. Elección de régimen patrimonial (de comunidad o de separación de bienes).
  2. Unión convivencial. Pactos de convivencia.
  3. Disolución del vínculo – Divorcio Unilateral. Divorcio conjunto. Ruptura de uniones convivenciales. Nulidades matrimoniales. Disolución y liquidación de sociedad conyugal. Convenio regulador. Compensación económica. Alimentos entre cónyuges. Atribución del hogar conyugal.
  4. Violencia familiar.
  5. Filiación. Acciones de filiación.
  6. Guarda preadoptiva. Adopción (simple, plena, de integración). Adopción unipersonal, de personas casadas o en unión convivencial.
  7. Técnicas de  reproducción humana asistida.
  8. Responsabilidad parental (unipersonal o compartida). Cuidado personal (unilateral o compartido). Plan de Coparentalidad. Acciones de privación de la responsabilidad parental. Regimen de comunicación y contacto. Modificación, ampliación, suspensión del régimen.
  9. Reclamos de Alimentos (a favor de los hijos, entre parientes). Aumento de cuota alimentaria, reducción y cese.
  10. Parentesco: Régimen de comunicación y contacto entre entre abuelos y nietos.
  11. Problematicas de salud mental.

We advise in all areas derived from the different forms of family organization. Among them: Marriage. Coexistence unions. Assembled families and single parent families.

Within the personal and patrimonial relationships derived from these forms of family organization, some of the most recurrent themes are:

  1. Marriage union. Marriage conventions. Choice of patrimonial regime (community or property separation).
  2. Coexistence union. Coexistence pacts.
  3. Dissolution of the bond – Unilateral Divorce. Joint divorce. Rupture of coexistence unions. Marriage annulments.
  4. Dissolution and liquidation of marital partnership. Regulatory agreement. Economic compensation. Food between spouses. Attribution of the marital home.
  5. Domestic violence.
  6. Filiation. Affiliation actions.
  7. Keep preadoptive. Adoption (simple, full, integration). One-person adoption, of married people or in a coexistence union.
    Assisted human reproduction techniques.
  8. Parental responsibility (unipersonal or shared). Personal care (one-sided or shared). Co-parenting Plan. Actions of deprivation of parental responsibility. 
  9. Communication and contact regime. Modification, extension, suspension of the regime.
  10. Food Claims (in favor of the children, between relatives). Increase of food quota, reduction and termination.
  11. Relationship: Regime of communication and contact between grandparents and grandchildren.
  12. Mental health problems.

We assist in the management of customs procedures and integration in international commercial activities.

We manage activities that range from negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution, to representation in litigation for individuals and legal entities of a public or private nature.

We provide legal services and intervene in negotiations of each and every one of the different areas or phases that make up the real estate activity.

We participate in highly complex real estate transactions and negotiations that require great specialization.

Starting from exhaustive analysis in which we determine the parameters of our success, we negotiate and fully direct the projects.

We manage activities related to research and policy advice for individuals and companies in the legal field at a national, regional, and international level.

We advise on the creation of the legal structure of organizations as well as during the development of their activity.

We specialize in:

Company law and corporate operations.
Minority shareholders. Challenge of corporate resolutions.
Responsibility of administrators.
Corporate restructuring
Incorporation and registration of companies.
Corporate litigation.
Commercial contracts. International Trade.
Corporate mergers and divisions. Global asset transfers.
Buying and selling of companies, companies and assets.
Analysis and design of business alliances
Advice in business crisis situations.
Contest of creditors and agreements.
Mediation and extrajudicial conflict resolution.
Restructuring in order to business viability.
Recovery of credits in bankruptcy proceedings.

We advise the different hierarchical levels of the company in decision-making in connection with the different legal instances in order to guide those responsible for the administration in tactical and strategic decisions.

We advise industries of various fields both in the negotiation and mediation in various conflicts and in judicial processes of class actions and collective lawsuits.

We advise banking organizations and financial institutions during the different stages of the business process, contemplating the actors involved in the service chain.

We have lawyers specialized in this matter, which is usually painful or difficult for our clients to go through.

The succession process can be simple when the heirs act jointly and by mutual agreement. But the same does not happen when there are differences between them, often irreconcilable. These conflicts are settled or channeled through different legal actions according to their purpose, such as collation, reduction, disinheritance, indignity, request for inheritance, nullity of will, etc.

The firm also specializes in legal advice for estate planning.

Although in general it is not attractive for human beings to think about their death, more and more frequently clients come forward with concerns about the destination their goods will have after their death and what are the variants provided by the current law to plan it from before.

Estate planning can be a very effective way to avoid future conflicts between heirs and to promote peace in families.

The instruments of hereditary planning are, among others, the will, the trust or trust, the donation, the early partition by donation and the contribution of assets to companies.

We manage from the registration and monitoring of trademarks, patents, and copyrights to representation in litigation.

Industrial property rights: patents and trademarks. Protection of distinctive signs.
Contracting on industrial and intellectual property rights.
Image and audiovisual rights. Intellectual property rights and author protection. Right
of advertising.
Defense before Trademark Courts.

We assist any matter related to criminal law, both in the defense and in the prosecution: scams, economic crimes, money laundering, crimes against public health or political crimes, among others.

Criminal Law is one of the most serious areas and a bad choice in its advice can have very serious consequences. We recommend that you only trust expert criminal lawyers who assume your defense with guarantees.

Our highly specialized criminal team provides the client with a totally personalized attention in order to achieve the highest level of success.


We advise and form the defense in aspects related to criminal law in the business sector both nationally and internationally.

We advise on the development of activities that involve the legal management of bilateral and multilateral trade relations.

We have a team of professionals specialized in national and international legal consulting who are associated with networks of professionals abroad in constant action with the competent administration.

Grooming exists when an adult contacts a minor and gains their trust through, mainly through social networks, to make them pose naked and perform sexual acts through telematic means, or to meet the minor face to face in the real world, where harassment is part of the offender’s actions.

It is a crime committed online, also called child grooming, by which a minor is tricked for sexual purposes.

These offenders are absolute strangers to the minor.

We have professionals specially trained in this serious conflict.

We fully advise on issues that compromise rights and guarantees in accordance with the National Constitution and International Treaties and Conventions

We advise individuals and companies in their claims for damages as well as in the prevention and reduction of the negative impact of contingencies as well as in the repair of the damages generated by conflicts already deployed that develop in the field of law. with a focus on civil liability.

We advise athletes, professionals and institutions linked to the field of sport, covering different activities involved in the development of the business, from the conclusion of agreements, regulations in events, marketing and advertising, to assistance to investors, agents and professionals in the sports area.

Animal law is a transversal branch of law that covers civil, criminal, infringement, commercial, administrative matters, among others and refers to a set of positive and jurisprudential rights, in which the object of the law is the legal, social nature, biological and psychic of animals.
THE NON-HUMAN ANIMAL IS SUBJECT OF RIGHT. The most important advance in the law of ANH (non-human animals) has occurred with their change in legal status, which went from considering them «things» to understanding them as «subjects of autonomous law.»
There is a direct relationship between animal abuse and intra-species violence. Animal abuse is indicated as a precursor of violent crimes against humans. Human beings who are prone to mistreatment or cruelty towards animals are also violent towards their family and their own species in general, constituting a danger in the abstract.
In criminology, when studying the common traits among violent criminals, one of them is cruelty to animals. So it is not something minor but an alert that must be taken into serious consideration.
For all these reasons, non-human animals (NHA) need trained professionals to protect their rights and dignity, and in our firm we have pioneering professionals in Latin America in this area.

We advise individuals in their claims or due to related contractual breaches.

In turn, we sponsor insurance companies in relation to the exercise of their business and with the regulations issued by the Superintendency of Insurance of the Nation.

We assist in the different activities that the tourism industry circuit involves, contemplating the entire business cycle, including advice on accommodation and transportation in all its communication channels.

We fully manage the activities related to the maritime and aeronautical exercise, contemplating the different steps involved in the business value chain.

We advise on the anticipation of tax disputes in relation to collection agencies. We represent the organizations before the competent judicial and jurisdictional instances, whether national, provincial or municipal

We fully manage legal activities related to information technology and telecommunications, whether in radio, television, telephony, mobile telephony, Internet, as well as in any type of transmission and reception of signals at the municipal, provincial, national and international levels.

We advise different types of media such as graphics, public roads and cinema, as well as television and radio.

  1. We train staff in the administration of justice in reference to the operation of the system and in the different areas of law according to the needs raised.
    We train legally and strategically in the ways of responding to problems raised between the company, consumers or users, and the parties involved in the value chain, deepening both the legal and ethical aspects.
    We train the personnel of the Judicial Branch, especially magistrates and officials in order to assist in the implementation of training and updating of the activity.
  2. The objective is to contribute to excellence and the development of training for experience in order to optimize the work and interaction with the vision of the Judicial Power with inter-institutional exercises to contribute to the consolidation of access to justice as an adequate and committed service with society.
  3. We train in the analysis of the policies of the national, provincial and municipal State, considering their modes of administration, relations with the community and the different stakeholders, the modernization of government agencies, in order to generate business policies that optimize relationships and activity.

  4. The trainings are aimed at people who work or are related to public administration at all levels, companies, teachers and students of careers linked to the practice of public administration, among other actors.
  5. We develop programs based on the survey of the needs of each organization in order to respond to particular demands and challenges.
    We plan training and training programs both for knowledge and process management, as well as for the development of socio-emotional skills that operate as solutions aimed at people and work teams.
  6. The training and custom training programs respond to a previous diagnosis and are adapted according to the requirements of each organization.
Mahatma Gandhi

"We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party"